As with any industry, the rapid advance of technology has had a profound effect on the way retailers make real estate decisions. That’s why we’ve incorporated leading-edge technologies to better achieve our clients’ business objectives.


Terra National uses state of the art software (ESRI’s ArcGIS and Regis’ SitesUSA) to power the site selection process. Our GIS tools help us generate exact mapping and demographic reports that are fully customizable to meet our clients’ needs. We can create Trade Areas (e.g. Custom Drawn, Rings, Drive-Times, etc.) and provide detailed intelligence on specific sites.

Terra National utilizes multiple current, high-resolution aerial-imagery services that covers the entire United States to provide our clients with the most up to date representation of location in question. The imagery then can be 100% customized to show anything the client desires including competition, traffic counts, access points (ingress/egress), traffic lights, street names, points of interest (shopping centers, airports, parks, schools), etc. Our team is constantly monitoring new technology in the sector and adapts our product accordingly. There is no stale product here, we are always evolving!

Through extensive market research capabilities, we frequently are monitoring and evaluating industry cycles, projections, and recommendations. Our in-house staff of analysts and marketing professionals apply the latest in technology such as Terra National’s proprietary real-time database of retailers in every market across the United States. Our subscription to Regis’ SitesUSA provides semi-annually updated demographic data and drive-time data to ensure we are providing the most current information to our clients. Lastly, we have premium memberships with both LoopNet and Costar who are the industry leaders of supplying extensive and timely commercial real estate data.